Friday, November 30, 2007

Newness is Fun

There is very exciting news for you faithful Hesed Nowers out there. We are happy to welcome Clint Dobson to the ministry team of Hesed Now. Clint is a student at Truett Seminary and will be graduating in August. You can check out more of his information on the bio section, and I suggest going there just to see a picture of his smiling face.

Adding Clint to the umbrella that is Hesed Now is exciting because he is the first addition to the team, and he has a vision that matches up with the goals of this ministry. Clint will be contributing to the site through sermons on the iTunes podcast, by blogging on the site, as well as helping with the writing of new materials. He truly has a minister's heart and is going to bless those who come in contact with his work. We are very excited to say the least.

While we are on the subject of newness, keep an eye out for new materials coming soon. There are new booklets in the works that will be on a variety of different engaging topics. We are also updating the site weekly with new blogs, so keep checking in on us. Sometime next week the website will be updated and the blog format will allow for comments and feedback. Please chime in on the conversations and let us know what you think and how you are growing.
As always, you can e-mail with any questions, comments, concerns, or jokes of the day. We really appreciate the support and prayer, and our hope is that many will come to know the truth of the Good News through this website. May your life demonstrate Hesed Now.

**Podcast Notes**

The power of the unknown is a potent force in our universe. It is like when you broke up with the love of your life in 10th grade and wondered if they thought about you half as much as you thought of them. As you sat on the couch fabricating the date they are on at that very minute in your mind, they sit in their bedroom alone waiting for you to call and are crying because you have obviously moved on.

I say all of that to say this: if in your warped mind you started to believe that any of the sermons on the podcast were a big deal, please do not let the power of the unknown fool you. We are very humble ministers with very humble positions, and the recordings will often reflect this very thing. We are not speaking to thousands of people on the weekends and there are probably 100 better podcasts you can download on iTunes. I'll even give you a list of them if you want them. The primary reason for even creating the Hesed Now podcast is in hopes that maybe someone will encounter the risen Christ through our teachings.

So, you have been warned. In the coming weeks and months there will be some low quality recordings of sermons on the podcast and they will be marked with an asterisk at the end of the title on iTunes. Feel free to disregard any of these sermons, or at least prepare yourself beforehand. If you want to get good recordings and crowd dynamics from the ministers on Hesed Now, I have a suggestion for you: e-mail and ask one of us to come speak at your church. Spreading the Good News is our favorite thing to do and we are eager to go anywhere possible if there is a need.

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